Sunday, April 02, 2006

It's called "Survival"

Jill Carroll, the journalist who was kidnapped, held hostage, and released a couple days ago, returned back to the States today. One of the dumbest things I heard, were people criticizing her for her anti-war/anti-Bush statements made on video shortly before her release. I don't know about you ... but if someone has been threatening to kill you, and tells you if you make an anti-war/anti-Bush statement, they'll let you go ... I think I'd do the same ... no matter what your personal feelings are! You do what you need to do to survive.

Today is also the one year anniversary of Pope John Paul II's death. I can't believe it's been a year already. Where does the time go?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fortunately most people have never been in a situation such as that. I have personally learned that one will do many things out of character to survive. With a gun placed at your head, you will realize that your priorities change dramatically. I'm sorry that people have become so closed hearted and quick to judge harshly. I do hope that none of these people ever find themselves in a simular situation. They also might find themselves uttering things just to be able to walk away.

2:47 PM  

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