Monday, November 29, 2004
I used to spend a little bit of time "chatting" with people on-line ... but it's been a while since I've done that. This weekend, I was wasting time playing some games on-line and chatting with some of the other players ... having a good time. After a while, ended up moving with two of them, over to Yahoo Messenger to continue chatting. Of course ... they are both female ... which I certainly don't mind! So, it's been some "late nights" for me, the last couple nights ... but it's always fun. Only problem ... you seem to hit it off with people ... but they are never in the "neighborhood"! The two I've been chatting with ... one is in North Carolina and the other is in New York. But ... maybe it's better that way!
Monday, November 22, 2004
Changing History
ABC News had a report tonight, about a group called the Traditional Values Coalition, who "believe the government has a greater responsibility to heed their views" (or else?). They oppose a film shown at the Lincoln Memorial because it featured "abortionists and homosexual marches, plus rightly included Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous March on Washington, but no right-to-life rallies or Promise Keepers marches." So the group is trying to get the National Park Service to reedit the film.
Even more amazing, the book "Grand Canyon: A Different View", which suggests the Grand Canyon was formed by the great flood from the Bible story of Noah and can't be more than a few thousand years old. Science, on the other hand, says it was created by nature and is millions of years old.
I guess they are feeling a bit "cocky" these days, so it wouldn't surprise me to see more groups with narrow minded views, such as the Traditional Values Coalition, trying to push their agenda and their views on the rest of us.
GodBless Help America!
Even more amazing, the book "Grand Canyon: A Different View", which suggests the Grand Canyon was formed by the great flood from the Bible story of Noah and can't be more than a few thousand years old. Science, on the other hand, says it was created by nature and is millions of years old.
I guess they are feeling a bit "cocky" these days, so it wouldn't surprise me to see more groups with narrow minded views, such as the Traditional Values Coalition, trying to push their agenda and their views on the rest of us.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Monday Night Football Flap
If you haven't heard about the controversial "Monday Night Football" opener on ABC, here's the scoop from
"ABC has apologized for its intro to Monday Night Football, which featured a locker room encounter between actress Nicolette Sheridan and Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver Terrell Owens--just moments before the game against the Dallas Cowboys. Wrapped in a towel but showing less skin than a Cowboys cheerleader, Sheridan asks Owen to miss the game for her--then drops the towel and jumps into his arms when he wavers. With Sheridan's back visible, Owens smiles and says, "Aw, hell. Team's gonna' have to win this one without me." The shot then cuts to actresses Teri Hatcher and Felicity Huffman, who are watching the scene unfold on TV from the living room sofa. The spot was meant to be a spoof of ABC's hit show Desperate Housewife, which stars Sheridan, Hatcher and Huffman, but the NFL and its growingly conservative fan base apparently didn't get the joke."
So ... what's the big deal? By making such a big deal out of a clever crosspromotional "spoof" and creating such a non-controversy ... more people are going to want to find out what the show is all about! Those up tight conservatives who are in such an uproar, probably haven't even seen the show "Desperate Housewives" ... or they'd get the whole idea of the spoof. Seems to me, like the ones who are complaining, are the ones reading more into it than was intended, and turned it into something "dirty". (Whose mind is in the gutter?)
I wonder what these conservatives think about more progressive countries ... where sex isn't treated as something "dirty" ... but just something that is? Folks in these Countries laugh at us when we make such a big deal out of an exposed breast or a bare back ... while there, nudity is seen on television and on their beaches everyday. It's considered something normal ... and they haven't all burned in Hell!
I also suspect, they have fewer sex perverts or child molesting clergy than here in the states as a result.
"ABC has apologized for its intro to Monday Night Football, which featured a locker room encounter between actress Nicolette Sheridan and Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver Terrell Owens--just moments before the game against the Dallas Cowboys. Wrapped in a towel but showing less skin than a Cowboys cheerleader, Sheridan asks Owen to miss the game for her--then drops the towel and jumps into his arms when he wavers. With Sheridan's back visible, Owens smiles and says, "Aw, hell. Team's gonna' have to win this one without me." The shot then cuts to actresses Teri Hatcher and Felicity Huffman, who are watching the scene unfold on TV from the living room sofa. The spot was meant to be a spoof of ABC's hit show Desperate Housewife, which stars Sheridan, Hatcher and Huffman, but the NFL and its growingly conservative fan base apparently didn't get the joke."

So ... what's the big deal? By making such a big deal out of a clever crosspromotional "spoof" and creating such a non-controversy ... more people are going to want to find out what the show is all about! Those up tight conservatives who are in such an uproar, probably haven't even seen the show "Desperate Housewives" ... or they'd get the whole idea of the spoof. Seems to me, like the ones who are complaining, are the ones reading more into it than was intended, and turned it into something "dirty". (Whose mind is in the gutter?)
I wonder what these conservatives think about more progressive countries ... where sex isn't treated as something "dirty" ... but just something that is? Folks in these Countries laugh at us when we make such a big deal out of an exposed breast or a bare back ... while there, nudity is seen on television and on their beaches everyday. It's considered something normal ... and they haven't all burned in Hell!
I also suspect, they have fewer sex perverts or child molesting clergy than here in the states as a result.
Trivia Night ... again!
Well, last night was another night for Trivia. We had 5 members on "Team Alpha" last night. We did very well in Round 1 ... missing only 2 questions, and getting the maximum points on the halftime question ... putting us in 4th place at halftime. The 2nd round was a bit tougher ... we missed 4 questions and ended up tied for 3rd at the end of round 2. It all came down to the Final Question ... "Put the following in order, from oldest to youngest". The choices were Roger Moore, Sean Connery, Johnny Carson, and Donald Sutherland. We took a guess, but since we weren't sure, we wagered Zero points ... which turned out to be the right move! We finished in 3rd place ... our first time finishing in the Top 3! Sure feels nice to win something! (By the way, our guess was wrong!)
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Almost, since the first day I've started "surfing the net", I've been using the various versions of "Netscape" as my browser. For the past few weeks, I've been trying the preview release version of a new Web browser called Firefox. It's somewhat similar to Netscape, but has a few neat features Netscape doesn't have ... and doesn't have the security problems that Internet Explorer has. I don't want to sound like a commercial ... but if your looking for a little more than what Netscape has to offer, and want to get away from IE's security issues, then give Firefox a try! I'm sure you'll like it.
Friday, November 12, 2004
Day at EPCOT
Spent a great day at EPCOT Center yesterday! It was nice to get away for a day, and not have to think about anything else, other than having a good time. I think that was my third visit. Was there a few months ago, so this time, I got to focused on what I didn't get to see last time, and go back to the things I wanted to see again ... which left plenty of time to see everything - some things even twice! "Mission: SPACE", "Test Track", and "Honey, I Shrunk the Audience" are my favorite attractions ... and of course, enjoy visiting all the countries in the "World Showcase".

Spaceship Earth

Satellite view of EPCOT Center

Spaceship Earth

Satellite view of EPCOT Center
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Trivia Night
Obviously, not much has been going on lately, so haven't had much to write about. One of the things I've been doing on Wednesday nights lately, is heading out to a local club to meet up with a couple friends to play "Trivia"! Even though we haven't won yet, we always have fun ... and feel smart when we know the answer ... get upset when we knew the answer, but guessed wrong ... or feel really dumb, when we have no clue what the answer is! We did pretty good tonight ... leading the pack at "halftime" ... but fell apart during the second half, even though we did get some answers correct. Of course, there are "rumors" at least one of the other teams are cheating ... even though they haven't been caught! Funny thing is ... the same team always wins. OH well ... I guess I need to get over it ... but it's supposed to be a "fun" time for all. Pretty pathetic if you need to cheat to get your drinks for free!
OH well ... tomorrow is a nice change of pace ... it's off to spend the day in EPCOT in Orlando! Been there a few times ... and it's always a good time!
OH well ... tomorrow is a nice change of pace ... it's off to spend the day in EPCOT in Orlando! Been there a few times ... and it's always a good time!
Friday, November 05, 2004
"We are all citizens of the world and the tragedy of our times is that we do not know this". - Woodrow Wilson
O Canada!
Anti Bush Democrats are flocking to Canadian Immigration Websites!! reports a record number of visitors within hours of GB's acceptance speech! Have read several stories today, about all the disillusioned folks who are thinking about moving to Canada! I find it amuzing ... but certainly understandable! Of course, the Canadian Government says, they'll have to wait in line like everyone else ... there is no special treatment for those from South of the Border.
Of course, the waiting time is shorter if you're married to a Canadian!
Might have to check into both of these myself ... eh?

Of course, the waiting time is shorter if you're married to a Canadian!
Might have to check into both of these myself ... eh?

Wednesday, November 03, 2004
The Day After ...
Well, another interesting, controversial ... and, perhaps disappointing election for JK supporters. I guess there is still an outside chance that JK could pull something out, but it doesn't look too promising at the moment. The elections seem to have turned into a popularity contest ... forget about the issues or the misinformation and deceptions that we've been forced to listen to, and told to accept as the truth ... the election hinges on the fact we just like one guy better (barely) than the other.
Take away 9/11 and the built up "terrorism" threat in our country, and GB hasn't accomplished much of anything ... but keep us entertained! Previous to 9/11, there has been only one foreign terrorist attack (outside of home grown terrorism) that I can remember ... and that was the WTC bombing in 1993. Even here, there seems to be some questions about what really happened and that the FBI knew it was going to happen and it could have been prevented. Compared to terrorist attacks elsewhere, we were fairly "safe" here before 9/11. After 9/11, we were told not to change the way we lived, or the "terrorists" would win! Well, we DID change the way we lived, with added security and new laws to take away our freedoms and privacy. With 9/11 becoming so politicized and constantly thrown at us, we're now living in fear and constantly watching our backs for "terrorists". Things never used to be this way. I liked it better when "terrorism" was a nuisance. It was something we were concerned about ... not obsessed with. Now it seems like a daily slap in the face.
I do find some comfort and irony in the fact that after all the talk about 9/11 which took place in New York City, and former New York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani acting as a major GB mouthpiece during the campaign ... JK won New York! One would figure, if it was that important an issue, New York especially, would support GB for what he's done ... despite party lines!
Take away 9/11 and the built up "terrorism" threat in our country, and GB hasn't accomplished much of anything ... but keep us entertained! Previous to 9/11, there has been only one foreign terrorist attack (outside of home grown terrorism) that I can remember ... and that was the WTC bombing in 1993. Even here, there seems to be some questions about what really happened and that the FBI knew it was going to happen and it could have been prevented. Compared to terrorist attacks elsewhere, we were fairly "safe" here before 9/11. After 9/11, we were told not to change the way we lived, or the "terrorists" would win! Well, we DID change the way we lived, with added security and new laws to take away our freedoms and privacy. With 9/11 becoming so politicized and constantly thrown at us, we're now living in fear and constantly watching our backs for "terrorists". Things never used to be this way. I liked it better when "terrorism" was a nuisance. It was something we were concerned about ... not obsessed with. Now it seems like a daily slap in the face.
I do find some comfort and irony in the fact that after all the talk about 9/11 which took place in New York City, and former New York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani acting as a major GB mouthpiece during the campaign ... JK won New York! One would figure, if it was that important an issue, New York especially, would support GB for what he's done ... despite party lines!
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Today is the day!
Well's finally here ... Election Day! The best part of that for me, and probably many others, is we don't have to listen to any more negative and fact distorting political advertising! Don't get me wrong ... the negativity and fact distorting won't go away. We'll still have to deal with it ... just in smaller doses on the Nightly News!
Now to wait and see who wins ... and when!
Now to wait and see who wins ... and when!
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