Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I'm Hooked!

A couple days ago, I mentioned that I joined Blogshares. At the time, I didn't really know what I was doing (and still, not too sure!) ... but have begun to amass my "imaginary" fortune by collecting a few chips and then selling them for Blogshare cash (B$). You can sell chips for around B$ 28M each!

Started out with B$500 for signing up and a couple folks send me "gifts" of stock and chips for being a "newbie". Anyway, once I was able to get some cash, I started buying shares of various blogs. Some prices have gone up ... shares in this blog, started at B$1.23 and are now worth B$3.94! OK ... not a huge profit, but hey!

One of my "gifts" (10 shares in a blog) had some recent action. First I was "forced" to sell 2 shares at B$1,467.53 each. OK ... I'll take that. Then as a "restructure" of that blog, I was again "forced" to sell one share at B$39,117.24! Just sold my remaining 7 shares for about B$100 over market value.

Yesterday evening, I bought 1270 shares in a blog for B$3,665,979.36. There was a "leveraged buyout" overnight, and they sold for B$15,302,887.50!

Since I joined ... and starting with B$500 ... I've had a 842,356,381% growth rate, and my net worth is currently B$4,211,782,405.97! Not too bad for 3 days!

If it sounds like fun, and you decide to join up to play Blogshares ... post your ID# and I'll leave you a "gift" to get started!

By the way ... if you click on the Blogshare link ... I get 5 "chips"!


Blogger Susie Sunshine said...

I am one of the blogs you purchased.
Either send me large quantities of cash in unmarked bills or I pull an Oprah and hesitate about renewing my contract and cause shares to crash like Anna Nicole Smith on a bender in high heels.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Ron said...

UH-OH!! I see you're not playing "the game", so can't leave you any "gifts" - B$ money and/or shares! Think I'll hang on to your shares for a while though.

9:05 AM  

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